
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Blake's Gluten Free Chicken Pot Pie


Today I bring you something other than cookies. Pretty exciting, right? I was excited when I found this.
My husband and I were at Target looking for something for me to take to dinner for work. I was settled on soup when I saw this little gem in the frozen food section.

I believe they cost around $3.50 and are a reasonable size. This is the only flavor I saw as well. So no beef or turkey. But I'm ok with that because pot pies are one of my favorites. Makes me think of days gone by and family. Yes, I've only ever had the frozen, but, once again, I'm ok with that.

So, the question you've all been asking, how was it? It had it's good and it's bad points, but, like I always say, it's better than none at all, which is where I was before I found these.

Instructions tell you to place it on a cookie sheet and wrap it in foil. I admit, the foil had me confused a bit, but I'm one to follow instructions. I figure they're there for a reason, right?

This is the pot pie before wrapping it with the foil and it has a delicious cornbread crust. I've never had a pot pie with a cornbread crust, but I love cornbread so this gave the pot pie another initial, YES!

So here it is all wrapped in its aluminum glory! As I stated before it takes about 40-45 minutes to bake so you can make it as you're getting ready for work, as I did. When it finished cooking I removed the foil to find the cornbread topping had stuck to the aluminum foil. Bummer! But I needed something to bring to work for dinner so in the tupperware it went. I should, also, probably add that my husband and I tend to throw our pot pies over rice. It's delicious. You should try it!

Here's the picture of the pot pie after I reheated it and dumped it out of it's little pie container. It was a bit watery so I'm happy I made the rice. And after I put it over the rice?

Oh, YES! That is a yummy bit of pot pie and rice heaven! It still had bits of the cornbread in it, but it was still delicious. The cornbread clumped together and tasted like dumplings! Plus, check this out.

Oh yeah! That's one large, yummy, chunk of chicken! In addition to chicken, it also contains peas, carrots and potatoes. It was pretty delicious I tell you. Definitely something I will be buying again and for $3.50, what's not to like? That's a whole meal for under $5.

What types of things do you like to take to work for meals? Are you considering the pot pie over rice? Until next time!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lucy's Cookies


Sorry for the hiatus last week, but work was crazy and I needed a bit of a nothing week, if you know what I'm sayin' and I believe you do! So now let's get started!

I need to start out this post by explaining that my husband is the sweetest. First, when I first told him my idea of going gluten free he didn't look at me like I was crazy. Second, he supported me in the best way possible. Not only did he sacrifice his figure by eating all the non-gluten free snacks in the house, but he declared that he too would be going gluten free so as to not have any temptation in the house. Can't get much better than that, right? WRONG!

The company my husband works for has a pretty good gluten free network. I'm sure you're asking, "what does that even mean?" Well, he works in a hotel that offers a lot of gluten free options to their guests such as sacks, dining, etc. So the other day he brought me home one of the snacks the hotel offers and they were MORE COOKIES! Whoever said you will lose a ton of weight on a gluten free diet has not met someone as determined as me to find gluten free baked goods. With that being said, I plan to try them all. Without further ado, here are the cookies he brought home to me.

These are the Lucy's Gluten Free Chocolate Chip cookies. They are also vegan! They do not contain peanuts, tree nuts, milk or eggs. A box of these, which includes ~10 cookies, retails for $9.94 on Amazon. In addition to cookies, the Lucy's brand offers other delicious sweets and links to where you can buy them are here.

Now, what do I think of the cookies. They're ok. As you can see from the picture, my chocolate chip cookies didn't have many chocolate chips and this seems to be the one complaint I saw on Amazon as well. Let's face it, if you're calling them chocolate chip they need to actually have some chocolate chips! Also, I'm not sure if was the flour blend they used, but their after taste was not as favorable as the Glutino cookies I talked about in my previous post. Don't get me wrong, these cookies are better than NO cookies. However, I did prefer the Glutino chocolate chip cookies when it came to taste, texture and price. With that being said, I think the Lucy's brand is an excellent choice for someone with severe food allergies and is better than no cookies at all.

Once again, thank you for reading this post and possibly my blog...all 3 posts! It's a start. Feel free to comment below and let me know how you feel about Lucy's cookies or any other cookies! Is there a product you think I should try and review or even a recipe? I would LOVE to hear from you.
